My Google Scholar and ResearchGate profiles.
Peer-reviewed Publications
[5] Pisconte, J., C.M. Vega, C.J. Sayers II, M. Pillaca, E. Quispe, C.S. Sevillano-Ríos, V. Tejeda, C. Ascorra, M.R. Silman, and L.E. Fernandez. 2024. Elevated mercury exposure in bird communities inhabiting Artisanal and Small-Scale Gold Mining landscapes of the southeastern Peruvian Amazon. Ecotoxicology 33:472–483. [Article]
[4] Hopping, W.A., C.J. Sayers II, N.R. Huaraca-Charca, and H. Klinck. 2023. Simultaneous passive acoustic monitoring uncovers evidence of potentially overlooked temporal variation in an Amazonian bird community. IBIS 166(3):986–1002. [Article]
[3] Sayers II, C.J., D.C. Evers, V. Ruiz-Gutierrez, E. Adams, C.M. Vega, J. Pisconte, K. Regan, O.P. Lane, A.A. Ash, R. Cal, S. Reneau, W. Martínez, G. Welch, K. Hartwell, M. Teul, D. Tzul, W. Arendt, M. Tórrez, M. Watsa, G. Erkenswick, C.E. Moore, J. Gerson, V. Sánchez, R. Pérez Purizaca, H. Yurek, M. Burton, P.L. Shrum, S. Taberes-Segovia, K. Vargas, F.F. Fogarty, M.R. Charette, A.E. Martínez, E.S. Bernhardt, T.H. Tear, and L.E. Fernandez. 2023. Mercury in Neotropical birds: a synthesis and prospectus on 13 years of exposure data. Ecotoxicology 32(8):1096–1123. [Article] [Reuters] [UCLA Newsroom]
[2] Sayers II, C.J., M.R. Roeder, L.M. Forrette, D. Roche, G.L.B. Dupont, S.E. Apgar, A.R. Kocek, A.M. Cook, W.G. Shriver, C.S. Elphick, B. Olsen, and D.N. Bonter. 2021. Geographic variation of mercury in breeding tidal marsh sparrows of the northeastern United States. Ecotoxicology 30(9):1929–1940. [Article]
[1] Sayers II, C.J., C. Moreland, H. Morgan, and J.E. Arévalo. 2019. Short-term effects of traffic noise on avian dawn chorus in a neotropical cloud forest/Efecto de corto plazo del ruido por tráfico sobre coros de aves en un bosque nuboso neotropical. El Boletín Zeledonia 23(2):8–28. [Article in English & Español]
Editorial-reviewed Publications
[1] Sayers II, C.J. 2020. Diademed Sandpiper-Plover (Phegornis mitchellii), version 1.0. In Birds of the World (S.M. Billerman, B.K. Keeney, P.G. Rodewald, and T.S. Schulenberg, Editors). Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Ithaca, NY, USA. [Article]
[1] Evers, D.C., L.J. Savoy, C.R. DeSorbo, K. Regan, C. Persico, and C.J. Sayers II. 2021. Bird field sampling methods: collection of tissues for mercury analysis. Report BRI 2021-03, Biodiversity Research Institute, Portland, ME, USA. [Report]
[1] Sayers II, C.J. 5 March 2019. Fieldwork In East Africa: Cooperative Breeding In Superb Starlings. All About Birds, Cornell Lab of Ornithology. [Video]